Business Users
Business is increasingly
dependent on computers for everything from administration to communications
and so it is very imporatant that as business owner you engage the services
of a reliable IT provider. There are many to choose from and it is tempting
to go with one of the large organisations that have turned their hand
to computer support as an addition to their normal business. The problem
is that these organisations are much better at marketing then they are
at IT. So we recommend that you consider your choice of supplier carefully.
It may even be appropriate to have more that one supplier but here are
a few key points to look for in an IT company.
- Choose a supplier that has a local presence.
- Go for reliability and trust over slick marketing and glossy brochures
- Get recomendations from other business people and ask potential suppliers
for references
- Don't choose the cheapest but do ensure the standard fee rates are
in you budget range.
- Meet the suppliers and see if you like them
For excellent Business IT Support
we recommend IT Support
IT Support Partners
St Johns Innovation Centre
Cowley Road
Tel: (01223) 850800